From July 1st to 5th, 2024, the 1st ENEN BSc. and MSc. Nuclear Competition and Summer School took place at the Institute of Nuclear and Physical Engineering of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. The event was attended by 37 students from 16 countries, with 35 students participating in person and 2 students online. The presentations of the bachelor's and master's theses were evaluated by a 16-member international. The best theses in the fields of nuclear physics and engineering, radiation protection, nuclear fusion, radioactive waste management, and medical applications were awarded. The competition was also enriched with high-quality expert lectures, practical exercises, and a cultural program provided by the University Art Ensemble Technik and violin artist, Master and Doctor of arts Aneta Lednická. The competition was organized and financially supported by funds from the Horizon Europe ENEN2plus project.